Apply for Program Venture name Untitled Is your venture incorporated? website AngelList profile Venture OverviewStage of Venture* Pre-seed Seed Star-tup stage Early stage Expansion stage Bridge stage Describe how your product or service works? This is best done from the perspective of a potential or an actual customer. Explain the value proposition for this customerHave you generated any revenue? If so, how much and over what period of time?Have you raised any money or grant funding? If so, how much?Technology overviewTechnology overview (What is your company’s core technology, explained in non-technical terms)What is the single most important dimension on which your technology outperforms your competition?Team informationNumber of key co-founders in addition to primary contact Number of employees (full time including founders) Primary Contact Person's InformationEducationLast Degrees of the founder and co-founderRelevant experience:Additional informationDo you have affiliation with other programs/instituition?Does your venture have any advisors?